Selle nädala alguses allkirjastasid National Adult Education Association of Uganda (NAEU) ning naistegrupp koondnimega Disabled Initiatives üürilepingu poe jaoks sobiva ruumi kohta. NAEU kujul on leitud organisatsioon, mis samuti toetab puuetega inimeste toimetulekut ja on valmis projekti igakülgselt abistama. Disabled Initiatives koosneb hetkel viiest naisest: Night, Olivia, Winnie, Remy ja Olivia. Poeruumide otsingul olid sageli takistuseks ratastooliga ligipääsmatud tualetid ja liiga väikesed ruumid. Praeguse koha puhul investeerib Disabled Initiatives suure summa raha eraldi tualeti ehitamisesse, kuid muus osas on lepingutingimused ja ruumid väga sobivad. Nii otsustasidki naised, et risk on seda väärt ja alates neljapäevast tegelevad ehitajad väikese WC paika seadmisega.
Nüüd pole muud kui asuda üheskoos poeruume korrastama, sisustust hankima ja ehituse lõppedes saab Olivia sisse kolida. Senini valmistavad naised tooteid, mille müügist saadav tulu läheb otseselt poe sisustamise toetuseks.
Since August I have mentioned several times that we are looking for suitable rooms for a tailoring and crafts shop for the physically handicapped women`s project in Kampala. Finally there is some significant progress to report.
In the beginning of this week the National Adult Education Association of Uganda (NAEU) and the women`s group named Disabled Initiatives signed an agreement for partnership and renting the space in NAEUs premises. NAEU is an organization that also supports the people with special needs and is willing to contribute towards the project. Disabled Initiatives currently consists of five women: Night, Olivia, Winnie, Remy, and Olivia. The main obstacle while searching for the suitable space for the shop was often the inaccessible toilets or too small rental space. In case of NAEU rental space the Disabled Initiatives is investing a significant amount of money into building a separate toilet but in otherwise the rooms and rental conditions are very favourable. Thus, the women decided that this risk is worth it and since Thursday the builders are working on the construction of the toilet facilities.
Now it is time to start planning for the shop, decide upon the interior, and when the construction work is over then Olivia can move in. Until then the women are producing and selling products to gain more finances needed for the extra investment.
Selliseid tooteid valmistamegi. / Example of a product: skirt from kitenge material. |
Frank from NAEAU and the construction worker. |
Paremalt teine uks peidab avatavat poodi. / The 2nd door from the right is the one for the shop. |
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