Juuste teemal tahtsin
tegelikult kirjutada juba septembris, kuid muud asjad tulid vahele.
Sõnu polegi siia juurde palju vaja, pildid räägivad kogu loo.
Septembris võtsin käsile eksperimendi kohaliku juuksuriga, kelle
tagasihoidlik kamber asub minu kodule väga lähedal (teise
köögiviljaleti ja chapatti mehe vahel). Selgus, et tema nimi on
Usher, lõikus maksab vaid 5000 ning muzungu juustega saab ta vabalt
hakkama. Olgu, otsustasin katsetada. Seinal rippus plakat erinevate
piltidega juukselõikustest (ok, pigem kohalikud naised parukatega
vist) ning põhimõtteliselt sai sobivale pildile osutades oma
soovist märku anda. Põhimõtteliselt, sest juuksur noogutas kõikide
piltide puhul, et jah, saan hakkama küll ja pole üldse probleemi.
Protsess nägi väja umbes selline, et juuksur pritsis mingist
topsikust mu juustele pisut vett ning asus siis köögikääridega
suvalisi salke lühemaks lõikama. Mingil hetkel avastasin, et tukk
hakkab juba liiga lühikeseks muutuma ja küsisin tagasihoidlikult
pildile osutades, et kuidas mu juuksed nüüd selliseks peaksid
saama. Selle peale vastas Usher, et pole vaja muretseda, ta esmalt
lõikab lühemaks ja siis trimmib täpse lõikusjoone paika.
Proovisin mõista anda, et juuste maha lõikamise järel pole
võimalik mõnda soengut enam teha, sest noh, juukseid on lihtsalt
liiga vähe järel. See teda eriti ei heidutanud kuni lõpuks
ütlesin, et nüüd aitab ja mina lähen siit minema. Maksin esialgu
kolm tuhat, kuid selle peale vaadati mind väga kurva pilguga ja
lisasin 900. Seega kokku maksis uus „soeng” 3900 UGX ehk 1.10
EUR. Koju jõudes aitas Rike õnneks soengut korrastada ja
ühtlasemaks lõigata. Õhtu lõpuks nägi see enam-vähem normaalne
Kohalike juuksurite äri
tegeleb enamasti naiste juustesse patside-punutiste-parukate
paigaldamise ja meestele masinlõikuse tegemisega. Uskumatu kui palju
on võimalik erinevaid patse ja nendest omakorda huvitavaid
moodustisi vormida. Mõned agarad vabatahtlikud lasevad endale ka
patsid pähe punuda ning see kestab vähemalt terve päeva, võtab
peanaha valusaks ja püsib ilusana umbes 2-3 nädalat. Juukseid sel
ajal pesta ei tohiks. Üldiselt usun, et võltsjuustesse
investeerivad kohalikud naised päris palju. Parukatega on vist
lihtsam, sest neid saab vahepeal ära võtta ja uuesti tagasi
Vahepeal mu juuksed
muudkui kasvasid, muutusid tihedaks ja tundsin, et sellise trollina
enam ringi jalutada ei sobi. Otsustasin uue eksperimendi kasuks, kuid
seekord Acacia Malli ilusalongis Sparkles. Tegu on ühe ilusaima
kaubanduskeskusega Kampalas ning nii uhkes juuksurisalongis pole ma
vist varem käinudki. Pidin umbes 10 minutit ootama kuni sõbralik
meesjuuksur minu juustega tegelema hakkas. Pesi ja masseeris pead
ning uuris, kui palju lõigata tuleks jne. Selgus, et ta on käinud
spetsiaalselt Nairobis muzungu juuste lõikamist õppimas ning töötas
seejärel Kampala Sheraton Hotellis. Hiljem vahetas töökohta, sest
Sheratonis oli liiga palju keeruliste juustega muzungusid ja töö
väsitas väga. Lõikus võttis aega umbes 30 minutit ja maksin 23
000 UGX ehk 6.57 EUR. Natuke imelik, et kõik teised tuttavad, kes
samas kohas käinud, on maksnud kakskümmend tuhat šillingit, kuid
mis teha, äkki on hinnatõusus süüdi jõuluaeg.
Nüüd on mu juuksed
igatahes kuivaperioodiks ja uueks aastaks valmis!
I wanted to write about
hair already in September but other things interfered and now I
found time for that again. In this case the pictures pretty much tell
the story and not too many words need to be added. In September I
decided to experiment with the local hairdresser who has his small
business just a few minutes from my home (between the second
vegetable stand and the chapatti guy). His name is Usher, haircut
costs 5000 and he has no difficulties with cutting muzungu hair or so
he claimed. He also had some posters with different haircuts or I
would rather say with different wigs and fake hair. Basically one
could choose a haircut from those pictures but actually the
hairdresser seemed to nod every time and say that yes-yes, no
problem, he can make this cut. The process of cutting itself looked
something like this - he splashed some water onto my hair from a
plastic cup and then started to cut randomly with kitchen scissors.
At some point I discovered that the fringe is getting way too short
and uneven and pointed to the picture I asked how are my hair
supposed to look like this. Usher replied that no need to worry, he
shall first cut the hair shorter and then trim it into the correct
shape. I tried to explain that after cutting the hair some haircuts
are not possible anymore because, well, the hair might be just too
short for that. This did not discourage him at all until at some
point I just told that this is enough now and I am leaving. At first
I paid three thousand but then he looked at me with very sad eyes and
said that he had worked so much and I added another 900. In total my
new „haircut” cost 3900 UGX = 1.10 EUR. At home Rike fortunately
helped to correct and even out my new hair.
The local hairdressers
usually concentrate on making braids, adding wigs and all kinds of
fake hair and shaving off men's hair. It is really astonishing how
many possibilities there are for making braids and then organising
them into different styles, shapes, and sizes. Some eager volunteers
also try out the feeling of wearing braids and the process for that
takes at least one whole day. It makes the skin on your head itch and
hurt and the braids stay nice for 2-3 weeks (or less if they are not
made very well). In general, I believe that local women invest quite
a lot of time and money into fake plastic hair. It seems a bit easier
with wigs as you can take them off and then attach them again later.
In the meanwhile my
interesting haircut kept growing thicker and I thought that soon I
need to do something about this. I decided to try another experiment
but this time in the beauty salon Sparkles in Acacia Mall that is one
of the most beautiful shopping centers in Kampala. I think that I
have not been in that fancy beauty salon before. I had to wait about
10 minutes until a friendly hairdresser started to work wash my
hair, gave a bit of a head massage, and asked very precisely how much
he should cut off. He told me that he had done a special training in
Nairobi for cutting muzungu hair and worked in Kampala Sheraton Hotel
after that. Later he decided to change the salon because there were
to many muzungus with complicated hair in Sheraton and the work was
very tiring. The haircut took about half an hour and I paid 23 000
UGX = 6.57 EUR. Slightly strange that all other friends who have been
there have only paid twenty thousand but well, maybe it is because of
Christmas time approaching and all the prices rising.
Now my hair is truly ready for the dry season and new year!
Väike valik võltsjuukseid. / Some plastic hair available. |
Poepidaja paneb Anna peanahale kreemi. / Shopkeeper applying soothing cream to Anna's skin and hair. |
Enne. / Before. 17.09.2014 |
Pärast. / After. |
Rike aitab asja parandada. / Rike trying to correct the cut somehow. |
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Enne. / Before. 19.12.2014 |
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Pärast. / After. |
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